I so often feel like a spectator in my own life
So little control over so many things
My actions
My thoughts
My focus
My feelings
Though maybe they’re not mine
Maybe they’re just his
This dumb meat bag
Whose eyes I see this world through
Each day like an episode of a TV show
Where you keep waiting for the other shoe to drop
But it never seems to
Is he gonna finally fix all of the issues
That he could’ve fixed
A million times over
That he knows he could’ve fixed?
Or is he gonna sit on his bed
And pretend that none of it exists
As he tears through yet another story?
As he contemplates a new idea?
As he loses himself in frivolous thought?
As he starts another hobby he knows he won’t get far in?
As he rehashes the same thoughts he has had 50 other times?
As he loses hours doing everything and nothing at the same time?
As he yells at himself to fix what he could’ve?
As he hates himself for not doing what he can?
As he repeats the same platitudes that define how he thinks but not how he asks?
Every day starts with that question but it always seems
Like it picks the worst option
Flipping a coin that is the same on both sides
Convinced that something might change
He flips it everyday
Knowing that if he stopped
He would never need to flip it again
But he keeps flipping anyway
It would be so easy to stop
He knows that it would
Yet it somehow feels like it would be hard
Like it would jeopardize everything he loves
If he didn’t flip that coin every morning